Kaibel G. 1890, Inscriptiones Graecae, 14, Berlin.
Comment: Ostia and Portus: nrs. 913-950.
Kaiser A. 2011, "Roman Urban Street Networks", Routledge Studies in Archaeology 2, New York.
Kamermans H. - Van der Meer L.B. (eds.) 2020, Designating Place. Archaeological Perspectives on Built Environments in Ostia and Pompeii, Leiden.
Kammerer-Grothaus H. 1974, "Der Deus Ridiculus im Triopion des Herodes Attius. Untersuchungen am Bau und zu polychromer Ziegelarchitektur des 2. Jahrhunderts n.Chr. in Latium", RM 81, 131-252.
Kampen N. 1977, "Meaning and social analysis of a late antique sarcophagus", BABesch 52-53, 221-232.
Kampen N. 1981, Image and Status. Roman Working Women in Ostia, Berlin.
Reviews: D.C. Bellingham, JRS 74 (1984), 227-229; C. Havice, Woman's Art Journal 6 (1985), 56; G. Zimmer, Gnomon 54 (1982), 851-853; Ch. Bauchhenss-Thueriedl, BJb 184 (1984), 744-746.
Kardos M.J. 1998, "Ciceron et Ostie: quelques reperes pour la recherche sur Ostie republicaine", BAGB. Bulletin de l'Association G. Bude 3, 235-249.
Comment: Full text: http://www.persee.fr/doc/bude_0004-5527_1998_num_1_3_1922.
Karivieri A. 2020, "Living in Apartment Blocks and domus, Lighting in Homes and Public Spaces", Karivieri 2020, 123-127.
Comment: Full text: http://irfrome.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/acta47.pdf.
Karivieri A. 2020, "New Trends in Late Antique Religions, Beliefs and Ideas: Christianity, Judaism, Philosophy and Magic in Ostia", Karivieri 2020, 371-385.
Comment: Full text: http://irfrome.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/acta47.pdf.
Karivieri A. 2020, "Ostia as Centre of Production", Karivieri 2020, 209-218.
Comment: Full text: http://irfrome.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/acta47.pdf.
Karivieri A. 2020, "Theatre and Pantomime, Gladiatorial Games and venationes - Animal Hunts", Karivieri 2020, 295-303.
Comment: Full text: http://irfrome.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/acta47.pdf.
Karivieri A. 2021, "Scientific Methods in the Research on the Harbour City of Ostia: Recent Developments", Il Mediterraneo e la Storia., 71-78, Roma.
Karivieri A. 2022, "Connecting people in the Mediterranean: Mobility and migration in Ostia and Portus", Seafaring and Mobility in the Late Antique Mediterranean (A. Lampinen - E. Mataix Ferrandiz eds.), 71-87, Bloomsbury Academic.
Karivieri A. 2022, "Jewish Inhabitants in Ancient Ostia", Negotiation, Collaboration and Conflict in Ancient and Medieval Communities (C. Krotzl - K. Mustakallio - M. Tamminen eds.), 209-224, London.
Karivieri A. (editor) 2020, "Life and death in a multicultural harbour city: Ostia Antica from the Republic through Late Antiquity", Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae 47, Rome.
Comment: Full text: http://irfrome.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/acta47.pdf.
Karivieri A. et al. 2020, "Catalogue of the exhibition 'Ostia, Gateway to Rome' - Museum Centre Vapriikki, Tampere, Finland", Karivieri 2020, 449-524.
Comment: Full text: http://irfrome.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/acta47.pdf.
Kater-Sibbes G.F.J. - Vermaseren M.J. 1973, "Preliminary catalogue of Sarapis monuments", EPRO 36, Leiden.
Kaumanns L. 2014, "Neue Inschriftenfunde aus Ostia", Public - Monument - Text: The 14th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy - Proceedings (W. Eck - P. Funke eds.), 717-719, Berlin.
Keay S. 2007, "The Portus Project", PBSR 75, 305-306.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40311123.
Keay S. 2008, "The Portus Project", PBSR 76, 331-332.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40311140.
Keay S. 2009, "The Portus Project", PBSR 77, 323-325.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/25754018.
Keay S. 2010, "Portus and the Alexandrian Grain Trade Revisited", Bollettino di Archeologia on line 1, 11-22.
Comment: Full text: http://bollettinodiarcheologiaonline.beniculturali.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/3_Keay_paper.pdf.
Keay S. 2010, "The Portus Project", PBSR 78, 330-334.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41725298.
Keay S. 2011, "The Roman Ports Project", PBSR 79, 385-387.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41725312.
Keay S. 2012, "Introduction", Keay 2012, 1-29.
Keay S. 2012, "Portus, Trajan's shipsheds", Current World Archaeology 5,3, 35-40.
Keay S. 2012, "The port system of imperial Rome", Keay 2012, 33-67.
Comment: Full text: http://www.bsr.ac.uk/site2014/wp-content/uploads/Rome-Portus-and-the-Mediterranean-Chapter-2.pdf and http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/keay/keay-2012.pdf.
Keay S. 2012, "The Roman Ports Project", PBSR 80, 374-376.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41725327.
Keay S. 2013, "The Roman Ports Project", PBSR 81, 366-371.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/42706327.
Keay S. 2014, "The Roman Ports Project", PBSR 82, 335-338.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24780086.
Keay S. 2015, "The Roman Ports Project", PBSR 83, 302-307.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24780044.
Keay S. 2016, "Portus in its Mediterranean context", Ancient Ports: The Geography of Connections (K. Hoeghammar - B. Alroth - A. Lindhagen eds.), 291-322, Uppsala.
Keay S. 2016, "The Roman Ports Project", PBSR 84, 306-309.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24780069.
Keay S. 2017, "Portus and Rome's Mediterranean Ports Projects", PBSR 85, 315-316.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26578333.
Keay S. 2018, "The Role Played by the Portus Augusti in Flows of Commerce between Rome and its Mediterranean Ports", Infrastructure and Distribution in Ancient Economies, 147-192, Wien.
Comment: Full text: http://www.jstor.com/stable/j.ctvddzgz9.10 and https://eprints.soton.ac.uk/390114/2/j.ctvddzgz9.10.pdf.
Keay S. 2018, "The Roman Ports Project", PBSR 86, 317-320.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26579513.
Keay S. 2019, "The Roman Ports Project", PBSR 87, 323-326.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26842752.
Keay S. 2020, "The Isola Sacra", Karivieri 2020, 49-55.
Comment: Full text: http://irfrome.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/acta47.pdf.
Keay S. 2020, "The Portus Romae", Karivieri 2020, 41-48.
Comment: Full text: http://irfrome.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/acta47.pdf.
Keay S. (ed.) 2012, Rome, Portus and the Mediterranean, London.
Reviews: P.B. Millet, JRA 27 (2014), 571-574.
Keay S. - Boetto G. 2010, "Introduction: Portus, Ostia and the Ports of the Roman Mediterranean. Contributions from Archaeology and History", Bollettino di Archeologia on line 1, 1-4.
Comment: Full text: http://bollettinodiarcheologiaonline.beniculturali.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/1_Keay_Boetto_introduction.pdf.
Keay S. - Earl G. - Beale G. et al. 2013, "Challenges of port landscapes. Integrating geophysics, open area excavation and computer graphic visualisation at Portus and the Isola Sacra", Archaeological survey and the city, 303-357, Oxford.
Comment: Full text: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/266262847_Challenges_of_Port_Landscapes_Integrating_Geophysics_Open_Area_Excavation_and_Computer_Graphic_Visualisation_at_Portus_and_the_Isola_Sacra.
Keay S. - Earl G. - Felici F. 2011, "Excavation and survey at the Palazzo imperiale 2007-9", Keay - Paroli 2011, 67-91.
Keay S. - Earl G. - Felici F. et al. 2012, "Interim report on an enigmatic new Trajanic building at Portus", JRA 25, 486-512.
Keay S. - Earl G. - Hay S. et al. 2009, "The role of integrated geophysical survey methods in the assessment of archaeological landscapes. The case of Portus", Archaeological Prospection 16, 154-165.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/245607.
Keay S. - Millett M. - Paroli L. - Strutt K. 2005, "Portus: An Archaeological Survey of the Port of Imperial Rome", Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome, British School at Rome 15, Rome.
Reviews: Ch. Bruun, JRS 97 (2007), 356-358; M. Heinzelmann, JRA 21 (2008), 437-441.
Keay S. - Millett M. - Strutt K. 2004, "Recent archaeological survey at Portus", Le strutture dei porti e degli approdi antichi (ANSER II) (A.G. Zevi - R. Turchetti eds.), 221-232.
Keay S. - Millett M. - Strutt K. 2008, "Recent archaeological survey at Portus", The maritime world of ancient Rome (MAAR Supplementary Volumes) 6, 97-104, Ann Arbor.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40379299.
Keay S. - Millett M. - Strutt K. - Germoni P. 2020, The Isola Sacra Survey: Ostia, Portus and the port system of Imperial Rome, Cambridge.
Comment: Full text: https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/308186.
Keay S. - Paroli L. (eds.) 2011, Portus and its hinterland: recent archaeological research, London.
Reviews: C. Pavolini, JRA 26 (2013), 589-600.
Keay S. - Woytek B. 2022, "Portvm Traiani: an interdisciplinary approach to the imagery of Trajan's harbour at Portus", PBSR 90, 63-107.
Comment: Study of Trajan's sestertii with a bird's-eye view of the harbour at Portus.
Keay S. et al. 2021, "Space, accessibility and movement through the Portus Romae", Space, Movement and the Economy in Roman Cities in Italy and Beyond (F. Vermeulen - A. Zuiderhoek eds.), 373-415, London.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/48856427.
Keyes C.W. 1912, "Minerva Victrix? Note on the winged Goddess of Ostia", AJA 16, 490-494.
Comment: Full text: https://ia802605.us.archive.org/10/items/americanjourser216archuoft/americanjourser216archuoft.pdf and http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/keyes/keyes-1912.pdf.
Kieburg A. 2008, "The Distribution of the Catering Trade in Ostia Antica", Food and drink in Archaeology I, 57-64, Totnes.
Kieburg A. 2009, "Roman tavern life. Remarks on the remains of taverns in Ostia antica", SOMA 2007. Proceedings of the XI Symposium on Mediterranean archaeology, 457-462, Oxford.
Kiilerich B. 2014, "The opus sectile from Porta Marina at Ostia and the aesthetics of interior decoration", Production and prosperity in the Theodosian period, 169-187, Leuven.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/6929384.
Killgrove K. 2010, "Response to C. Bruun, 'Water, oxygen isotopes, and immigration to Ostia-Portus'", JRA 23, 133-136.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/killgrove/killgrove-2010.pdf.
King C.E. 1959, "The Maxentian Mints", The Numismatic Chronicle 19, 47-78.
King C.E. - Northover J.P. 1991, "Fractional Coins at Rome, Ostia and Trier A.D. 310-313", QuadTic 20, 227-238.
Kirbihler F. 2014, "Un complot Italo-Asiatique contre Commode en 191/192?", Historiae Augustae Colloquium Nanceiense, 279-315, Bari.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9910883.
Klauser T. 1939, "Die Inschrift der neugefundenen altchristlichen Bauanlage in Ostia", RomQSchr 47, 25-30.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/klauser/klauser-1939.pdf.
Kleberg T. 1957, Hotels, restaurants et cabarets dans l'antiquite romaine, Uppsala.
Kleijwegt M. 1993, "Young Men on the Council of Ostia", Charistion CPT Naude (ed. U. Vogel-Weidemann), 45-61, Pretoria.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/kleijwegt/kleijwegt-1993.pdf.
Kleijwegt M. 1994, "Schola Iuvenum seu caplatorum", Epigraphica 56, 29-40.
Comment: In note 47 the author discusses the mosaic-inscription 'Statio Cunnulingiorum' from the Terme della Trinacria, and suggests that it was the unofficial nickname of a iuventus-type organisation.
Kleiner D.E. 1981, "Second Century Mythological Portraiture: Mars and Venus", Latomus 40, 512-544.
Kleiner D.E. 1999, Roman Sculpture, 281.
Comment: On the group of Mars and Venus from the Aula del Gruppo di Marte e Venere.
Kloppenborg J.S. 2019, "Occupational guilds and cultic associations in Ostia Antica: Patronage, mobility, connectivity", Roman imperial cities in the East and in Central-Southern Italy, 413-436, Roma.
Kockel V. 1992, "Ostia im 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Beobachtungen zum Wandel eines Stadtbilds", Die roemische Stadt im 2. Jahrhundert n.Chr., 99-117, Koeln.
Comment: Full text: https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeumdok/2486/1/Kockel_Ostia_im_2_Jahrhundert_n_C_1992.pdf.
Kockel V. 1995, "Il 'palazzo per tutti'. Die Entdeckung des antiken Mietshauses und seine Wirkung auf die Architektur des faschistischen Rom", Nuernberger Blaetter zur Archaeologie 11, 23-36.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/1163990. On fascist imitation of Ostian architecture.
Kockel V. 1999, "Ausgrabungen der Universitaet Augsburg im sog. Macellum von Ostia", Meded 58, 22-24.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Kockel V. 2000, "Ostia. Antike", Der Neue Pauly. Enzyklopaedie der Antike 9, 96-102, Stuttgart-Weimar.
Kockel V. 2001, "Il 'palazzo per tutti'. La decouverte des immeubles de location antiques et son influence sur l'architecture de la Rome fasciste", Descoeudres J.-P. 2001, 66-73.
Kockel V. 2001, "Ostia und Porto. Nachantike, Wirkungsgeschichte", Der Neue Pauly. Enzyklopaedie der Antike 15,1, 1246-1254, Stuttgart-Weimar.
Kockel V. 2001, "Ostie: images de la ville", Descoeudres J.-P. 2001, 81-90.
Kockel V. 2005, "Il 'palazzo per tutti'. La scoperta ad Ostia dell'antica casa di affitto ed il suo influsso sull'architettura della Roma fascista", Confronto. Studi e ricerche di storia dell'arte europea 5, 54-73.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9665181. Italian translation of Kockel 1995 and 2001 by Umberto Pappalardo.
Kockel V. 2014, "Fragmente marmorner Architekturverkleidungen aus dem sog. Macellum in Ostia (IV, V, 2)", RM 120, 227-242.
Kockel V. - Ortisi S. 2000, "Ostia. Sogenanntes Macellum (IV 5,2). Vorbericht ueber die Ausgrabungen der Universitaet Augsburg 1997/1998", RM 107, 351-364.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/kockel/kockel-2000.pdf.
Kockel V. - Ortisi S. 2010, "Fragmente von Wandmalerei aus dem sogennanten Macellum in Ostia (IV 5, 2). Mit einem Appendix zur Datierung", Atti del X Congresso internazionale dell'AIPMA (Association internationale pour la peinture murale antique), 481-487, Napoli.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/kockel/kockel-2010.pdf.
Kockel V. - Ortisi S. 2018, "Increases in level and changes in use of the so-called Macellum in Ostia", Nouvelles etudes et recherches sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cite. Actes du colloque international (Rome-Ostia Antica, 22-24 septembre 2014) (C. De Ruyt, Th. Morard, F. Van Haeperen eds.), 207-216, Bruxelles-Rome.
Kolb F. 1995, Rom. Die Geschichte der Stadt in der Antike.
Comment: Ostia and harbour: 521-535.
Kolendo J. 1969, "Epigraphie et archeologie: le 'praepositus camellorum' dans une inscription d'Ostie", Klio 51, 287-298.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/kolendo/kolendo-1969.pdf.
Koloski-Ostrow A.O. - Moormann E.M. 2011, "Cultural attitudes. Case study. The paintings of philosophers in the baths of the Seven Sages in Ostia", Roman toilets. Their archaeology and cultural history, 178-181, Leuven.
Konen H. 2001, "Die Schiffsbauer und Werften in den antiken Haefen von Ostia und Portus", Munst. Beitr. Ant. Handelsgeschichte 20,2, 1-36.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/konen/konen-2001.pdf.
Kossmann D. 2015, "Eine lateinische Grabinschrift in Japan", ZPE 193, 283-286.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/43909696.
Kousser R. 2007, "Mythological Group Portraits in Antonine Rome: The Performance of Myth", AJA 111, 673-691.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/34009755. About two statuary groups of Mars and Venus from Ostia and the Isola Sacra. About an altar of Concordia on the Forum.
Kraabel A.T. 1979, "The Diaspora Synagogue: Archaeological and Epigraphic Evidence since Sukenik", ANRW 2,19,1, 477-510.
Kraabel A.T. 1982, "The excavated synagogues of Late Antiquity from Asia Minor to Italy", 16. Intern. Byzantinistenkongress, Wien 1981, 227-235.
Kremer D. 2013, "Un conflit de propriete a Ostie au milieu du IIe siecle de n.e. Nouvelles considerations sur la supposee fondation funeraire de Iunia Libertas", IVRA 61, 25-45.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/3109471.
Kretschmer M. 1926, "Ostia, The Harbor of Ancient Rome", CJ, 26-30.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/kretschmer/kretschmer-1926.pdf.
Kuenzl E. 1968, Fruehhellenistische Gruppen, Koeln.
Comment: Discusses a group of wrestlers from Ostia.
Kunckel H. 1974, "Der roemische Genius", MdI Ergaenzungsheft 20, Heidelberg.
Kuroda T. 2012, "Formation of medieval urban tissue from the reutilization of the Roman aqueduct ruins in Borgo di Ostia", Report of the investigation of Ostia Antica 2008 - 2010. Japanese Research Group of Ostia Antica, 27-39, Tokio.