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Terme di Nettuno


- Room built against north-east part of north facade.
- NSc 1909, 167-168 with fig.: "There were graffiti here of which, due to the manner in which they reappeared, a very few syllables can be read. In one of them there is: ...".
- CIL XIV S, 5292: drawing.

Interpretation: "ANDROM(achus) III CA(lendas) APR(iles) | BAL(erianus) IIII NON(as) MAI(as)". CIL suggests that this graffito is about gladiators. The dates are March 30 and May 4.


- On a brick on the south side of the Via della Palestra (i.e. on the north side of the outer wall of the Terme di Nettuno), at 1.30 from the ground, at 1.55 to the left of the pilaster flanking the entrance of the palaestra.
- Molle 2014, 55 and fig. 3 on p. 56.

Interpretation: "NEPTVNI [---] E? | N". Is there a link with the mosaic in the baths?

- Eric Taylor
- Animation, Eric Taylor
- Molle
- Harp 2014