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Regio III - Insula V - Casa delle Volte Dipinte (III,V,1) - room IV

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The ceiling today, above walls b and c (with the window).

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Detail of the ceiling. Photo: Parco Archeologico di Ostia.

The ceiling in 1958. Photo: Felletti Maj 1961, Tav. III.

The ceiling in 1958, above the west wall (a). Photo: Felletti Maj 1961, Tav. III.

West wall (a), layer 2. Photo: Okkio.

North wall (d), layers 3 and 4. Photo: Felletti Maj 1961, fig. 7.

Detail of the north wall (d), layer 4. Photo: Felletti Maj 1961, Tav. II.

The mosaic floor. Photo: ICCD E023938.