TOMB 43 (continuation)Tek

click to enlarge photographVia the mosaic, which is enclosed by walls, we enter the burial chamber. Each wall was provided with a double row of arcosolia. Although we don't know this for sure ,because the walls have survived only up to a relatively low height, tomb 43 was probably used for inhumation only.
The floor consisted of slabs of marble covering twelve formae for three bodies each. The grave must have had a rich decoration. During the excavations there were still paintings in the lower arcosolia of both the side walls.
In the first niche of the right wall a marshland was depicted with ducks and plants. A well-known scene in this necropolis.
One of the lower niches of the left wall contained a picture of
a lion hunt with two hunters hiding themselves behind their oval shields.
These decorations are pointing to a date at the end of the second century or the beginning
of the third century AD.

(click to continue tomb 43)