TOMB 57 (continuation)Tek

click to enlarge photographThe burial chamber is well preserved. There are no niches in the upper parts of the walls. These parts were, like the niches, beautifully decorated. All the paintings have been taken off the walls and put away in the storage rooms of the museum of Ostia.
The tomb owner was probably depicted in the central niche of the back wall. On the walls beside the niche two winged figures offered the female owner a crown of victory. On one of the side walls was the deceased in a banquet scene. On the other wall we could see bread, fruit and garlands.
The vault too was painted: in the middle a nude youth, and
in the corners the four seasons.
During the excavations three of the four saesons were still intact:
spring with a garland in her hair and, on the opposite side, winter
with a veiled head. Summer was depicted with grain ears.
click to enlarge photographCalza mentions that, in spite of the crude painting
of the whole, the three heads of the seasons radiated
a beautiful expression.

Tomb 57 dates back to the middle of the second century AD.