TOMB 60Tek

click to enlarge photographTomb 60 is one of the most western tombs of the necropolis. The grave has survived to a height of one metre and has its entrance on the east side, thus towards the Via Severiana. From the entrance we have a view on the "Field of the Poor".
The burial chamber, originally used for cremation burials only, measures 4,57 x 3,50 metres. Under the small niches one can still see the marble tablets for the names of the deceased.
These names were written with paint and didn't survive.
During a second period of use a wall of rough stones was
placed alongside the back wall.
It is not clear whether there are burial places below the now disappeared floor.
In this tomb a small marble altar has been found with the following insription:

   BVS T(iti)

   To the divine Manes of Titus Flavius Nearchus.

      (click to continue tomb 60)