TOMB 78 (continuation) Tek

click to enlarge photographNext to the inscription are two terracotta reliefs.
On the right one we see a boat with oars and a man at
the stern with a helm. The oars are operated by three sitting oarsmen.
On the left relief we see a horse turning a grain mill.
The horse is managed by a servant.
The tomb is a columbarium. On the back wall are no traces of paintings.
However, Guido Calza mentions a painting of Hercules in a niche in the right wall. He had a club in his left hand and in his right hand probably an apple.
In the opposite niche was a painting of Neptune.
Of the last click to enlarge photographpainting only the legs, the left hand holding a trident
and the right hand pointing
to a dolphin could be seen.
During a second period formae were built below the black-and-white mosaic floor.
A small piece of polychrome mosaic covered a tomb "a cappuccino".
In the left corner was a tomb
"a cassone" formed by four marble slabs.

Tomb 78 dates back to the time of Trajan.