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Regio I - Insula VIII - Botteghe I,VIII,9

This building consists of some rooms flanking a passageway. It was built during the reign of Antoninus Pius. The two rooms to the south were shops. In the south-eastern one is an external staircase. To the north are three shops behind a tiny porticus, the west part of which also seems to have been used as a shop. To the east is an external staircase, flanked by a corridor that led to a back entrance of the Warehouse of Epagathus and Epaphroditus. It was later blocked. The corridor between the shops led to the intersection of Via del Larario and Via delle Casette Repubblicane.

Plan of the building. After SO I.


Via delle Casette Repubblicane seen from the east.
Photo: Klaus Heese.

[jthb - 24-Apr-2022]