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Regio II - Via della Fontana
(Road of the Fountain)

The Road of the Fountain runs from the Decumanus towards the Tiber. To the west is block VI, which consists of apartments and a bakery. To the east are block IV (Baths of Neptune) and block V (Barracks of the Fire Brigade).

A public water basin was set against the north-west corner of the baths. Through a square hole in the short south side buckets could be lowered in the basin to be filled with water. A travertine block that forms the sill of the hole shows traces of wear by ropes. Water also emerged from two overflow holes in the long west side. One of these holes was decorated with a gargoyle in the shape of a bronze dolphin. The water from these holes was collected in buckets that were placed in round depressions in a travertine gutter.

Behind and above the basin is a small distribution basin that supplied the basin, a toilet in the baths, and the Barracks of the Fire Brigade.


The Road of the Fountain seen from the south. Photo: Klaus Heese.

The public basin seen from the south-west. Note the travertine gutter to the left, with round depressions for buckets.
Photo: Klaus Heese.

A bronze dolphin that decorated one of the overflow
holes in the side of the basin. Photo: NSc 1897, p. 523.
One of many bucket handles found in Ostia.
Museum Ostia, inv. nr. 4779. Photo: CGBC 1200064891.

[jthb - 29-Apr-2022]