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Regio V - Insula IV - Edifici V,IV,2-3

The east half of block V,IV was built in the Hadrianic period (opus mixtum). It consists of large halls with central piers on Via dell'Invidioso to the north and Via della Fortuna Annonaria to the south. In the east wall are high windows. In the centre of the north half is a staircase. In one of the southern rooms are scant remains of masonry basins, perhaps belonging to a little fullery.

The roads to the north and east were spanned by brick arches and partly covered.

Plan of the block IV, with buildings 1 and 2-3. After SO I.


Via della Fortuna Annonaria seen from the west, with the facade of the building to the left.
Photo: Klaus Heese.

[jthb - 9-May-2022]